Monday, December 22, 2008

And it came to pass that all of the Pritchard's who live in the land of Utah gathered together to celebrate Christmas at Papa Jim's and Grandma Joyce's house. There was delicious food and goodies to feast on but best of all was being in the company of family and seeing the sparkle in all of the children's eyes as they anticipate Christmas day!

Nicki, Rick and Erin

Jed, Madi, and Millie

Christian and Lauren

Katie and her man, Joyce, Megan, Jed and Madi

Becky, Dave, Simeon and Brigham opening a gift
from Arlin - one of his amazing rock carvings

Dad with Joe, Arlin and Wes in the background

Erin and her little screamer, Ethan

Lindsey & Darby

Susie and me

Megan and Millie

Rick and Nicki

Dylan and Dad

Megan and Joe - I say they won the ugly
Christmas sweater contest

Dylan, Lauren, Madi and Jed

Jed, Rick and Will jamin to the tunes

Erin and Mike in thier groovy sweaters

Lauren and Nicki

Brigham and Dave


Milly Moo Art said...

Cute Pics! Hey, if want to borrow my sweater vest and shirt, I'll always have it on hand! Love ya!

Erin Vorkink said...
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Erin Vorkink said...

cute pics and good times
thanks for all the presents and tell rick the jogger is awsome!!

Jennifer said...

Awesome pictures Nickers. Wish i had been there. Love you bunches